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What's good for the goose: Thought Leadership

May 6th 2018

At the end of 2017, Marcus Thomas ate some of its own "dog food" and initiated an extensive thought leadership effort. The goal of the program is to raise the agency's profile in the advertising industry, in key strategic service areas and in the market segments in which we operate. Since Q4 of 2017, the effort has resulted in stories and/or columns in Ad Age, Adweek, Forbes, Campaign and others. 

Forbes : Chief Idea Officer Joanne Kim explores the risks brands face when piercing the 4th wall. You can read Joanne's column on the subject here.

Ad Age : Twenty-five years with an average 11 percent growth. Wow. Managing Partner Jim Nash shares with Ad Age readers his views on agency independence, management, and culture – the roadmap he laid out for Marcus Thomas years ago. Read Jim’s commentary in Ad Age here. : Partner\VP and Social Media Director Amber Zent's commentary on the changing faces of haircare brands was featured in's piece, "L’Oreal looks to fresh faces to salvage falling hair-care sales." The article includes Amber's perspective on why brands are choosing celebrities like Alexa Chung, Winona Ryder and Emily Ratajkowski, instead of more mainstream haircare spokespeople, to reach 20-something audiences. 

Adweek : Advertising executives from around world convened in Miami Beach this past April for the annual 4A's Accelerate Conference. One of those executives attending was Marcus Thomas LLC's Chief Client Officer Mark Bachmann. One of the others was P&G Chief Brand Officer Marc Pritchard, whose opening keynote called out client and agencies as being "archaic." You can read Mark's response in Adweek here.

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