Strategy & Research
Business Research text features insights from Marcus Thomas professionals
April 18th 2018Guidance and cases from Marcus Thomas insights professionals Edwige Winans and Jennifer Hirt-Marchand and Strategic Planner Stefanie Riediger are featured in “Business Research Methods” by Pamela Schindler (McGraw Hill). The textbook is used in undergraduate college classrooms throughout the United States and Canada.
Winans’ contributions showcased how evaluating the emotional impact of advertising is working for client Ohio Lottery; how online survey techniques can be used to validate hypotheses for client MTD ; and, working with Riediger, how in-depth interviews (IDIs) work to guide client Maritz in positioning newly-acquired service companies. Hirt-Marchand’s work on Prediction Markets was highlighted in the book’s chapter on available research methods. Winans and Hirt-Marchand also contributed counsel on the use of video diaries in establishing the path-to-purchase for new and expectant moms.